Microbial Ecology
- Acta Protozoologica
- European Journal of Protistology
- Protist
- Protist Genomics
- Protistology
- The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology
Diversity and Evolution
- Genome Biology and Evolution
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
- Molecular Biology and Evolution
- Molecular Ecology
- Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
- Systematic Biology
- Trends in Ecology and Evolution
- Coral Reefs
- Symbiosis
- Nature Ecology and Evolution
- Nature Microbiology
- mBio
- mSystems
- Microbiome
- Animal Microbiome
General Biology
- Biology Letters
- Current Biology
- Nature
- PLoS Biology
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Science
- eLife
- Bioinformatics
- Database
- Nucleic Acids Research
OA Megajournals