Javier del Campo
A new and widespread group of fish apicomplexan parasites
A Novel Taxonomic Database for eukaryotic Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I Gene (eKOI): Enhancing taxonomic resolution at community-level in metabarcoding analyses
A Single-Cell Atlas of Coral Bleaching
Differential apicomplexan presence predicts thermal stress mortality in the Mediterranean coral Paramuricea clavata
How marine are Marine Stramenopiles (MAST)? A cross-system evaluation
Implications of dietary carbon incorporation in fish carbonates for the global carbon cycle
Long-term effects of ocean acidification and its interaction with warming on calcifying organisms and their associated microbiome: bryozoans as emerging sentinels of global change?
Source and variation of the amazing live Sea-Monkey microbiome
The eukaryome of modern microbialites reveals distinct colonization across aquatic ecosystems
The protist cultural renaissance
Updated classification of the phylum Parabasalia
A meta-analysis of the stony coral tissue loss disease microbiome finds key bacteria in unaffected and lesion tissue in diseased colonies
Beyond the Symbiodiniaceae: diversity and role of microeukaryotic coral symbionts
New Parabasalia symbionts Snyderella spp. and Daimonympha gen. nov. from South American Rugitermes termites and the parallel evolution of a cell with a rotating “head”
Improved high throughput protocol for targeting eukaryotic symbionts in metazoan and eDNA samples
Protists, la principal font de diversitat genòmica en eucariotes
Characterization of new cristamonad species from kalotermitid termites including a novel genus, Runanympha
Mediocremonas mediterraneus, a New Member within the Developea
The genomics of ecological flexibility, large brains, and long lives in capuchin monkeys revealed with fecalFACS
The Starlet Sea Anemone, Nematostella vectensis, possesses body region-specific bacterial associations with spirochetes dominating the capitulum
A letter to Denis Lynn
Microeukaryotes in animal and plant microbiomes: Ecologies of disease?
The eukaryome: Diversity and role of microeukaryotic organisms associated with animal hosts
Assessing the diversity and distribution of apicomplexans in host and free-living environments using high-throughput amplicon data and a phylogenetically informed reference framework
Validation of a universal set of primers to study animal -associated microeukaryotic communities
EukRef: phylogenetic curation of ribosomal RNA to enhance understanding of eukaryotic diversity and distribution
Pseudotrichonympha leei, Pseudotrichonympha lifesoni, and Pseudotrichonympha pearti, new species of parabasalian flagellates and the description of a rotating subcellular structure
The ‘other’ coral symbiont: Ostreobium diversity and distribution
Ecological and evolutionary significance of novel protist lineages
Diversity and distribution of unicellular opisthokonts along the European coast analyzed using high-throughput sequencing
The others: our biased perspective of eukaryotic genomes
Culturing Bias in Marine Heterotrophic Flagellates Analyzed Through Seawater Enrichment Incubations
Environmental survey meta-analysis reveals hidden diversity among unicellular opisthokonts
Taming the smallest predators of the oceans
Emerging Diversity within Chrysophytes, Choanoflagellates and Bicosoecids Based on Molecular Surveys